Spring is on its way and the days are beginning to get warmer and longer.
It is still very strange to me that the further north we travel the warmer it becomes and a north wind is warm, but a south-west wind is cold! We came across a sun-dial with the clock numbers going around anti-clockwise to read the right time of day!
We are now in the
Northland staying at
Paihia. There are lots of inte

resting things to see and do in this area. We have visited a forest of giant
kauri trees. Giant
kauris, many over 1000 years old used to cover this area of New Zealand but were cut down at the end of the 1800's and early 1900's and the wood used for furniture, houses and boats. The amber coloured
kauri gum was also much sought after for ornaments and jewellery.
We have come across a lot of Maori culture in this area. We went on a wonderful bus tour along 90 Mile Beach. The bus driver was Maori an

d entertained us all in Maori songs, stories and history along the way. There is an official highway that goes along the beach, tides permitting. It was a great day, miles of golden sand and blue sea stretching as far as the eye can see and further. Then it was on to Cape
Reinga, one of the northern points of New Zealand and
especially interesting because it is the meeting point of the
Tasman Sea and the Pacific, and it's possible to see where they meet! Our last stop was at a
Gumdiggers Park and we learnt that gumboots came by that name by the
gumdiggers who wore them daily for work!